Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

ADEME TIC TAC (2010 - 2012)

Participants : Anne-Laure Negri, Caroline Tiffon, Bernard Senach, Brigitte Trousse.

  • Title: TIC TAC

  • Type: PREDIT groupe 3, Mobilité dans les régions urbaines

  • Challenge: Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication – Transports Assemblés Cohérents

  • Instrument: Mobilité dans les régions urbaines

  • Duration: 2010 - March 2012

  • Coordinator: VuLOG

  • Others partners: MHC Conseil, CETE Méditerranée, CASA

  • See also: Technologieshttp://www.projettictac.org/

  • Abstract: TICTAC project aims to provide an advanced travellers' information system in which real time information about waiting time at bus stop will be provided: users define their "favourite" and can call a vocal server which give them immediately the requested information.

This year we first participated in a study of current trends in urban mobility Real-ime MultiModal Information Systems (RTMMIS) conducted by CETE méditerannée [28] . After identifying the usage scenario [75] , [74] and participating in the specification of the prototype [76] , we specified the experiment of the first prototype developped by VuLOG in [77] and reported results of our usage analysis in a delivrable [78] . See also 9.1.1 .


Participants : Florian Bonacina, Bernard Senach, Brigitte Trousse, Yves Lechevallier, Nicolas Béchet, Ehab Hassan.


  • Type: Pacalabs

  • Challenge: Referencing of Web Sites for accomadation in Paca

  • Instrument: Pacalabs (Paca Region and FEDEPacalabsR fundings)

  • Duration: October 2010 - May 2012

  • Coordinator: Full Performance

  • Others partners : General Council of Maritim Alps

  • This project is conducted with Full Performance, a SME specialized in Web site referencing. It aims at improving hinterland tourism, hotel-keepers and tourists are involved in the experimentation. Experiments of different new referencing rules are conducted with Web site visitors in order to study their effect on behavioral changes and on touristic choices. The experimentation consists in three stages: current referencing rules are first studied and their efficiency estimated through eye-tracking experiments. Then new rules are explored and tested with users. When the convenient new rules are selected, their efficiency is evaluated through data mining analysis and qualitative studies.

This year we evaluated the ergonomics of 19 Web sites of hotels associated to our project and we formulated several recommendations according types of Web sites [72] , [73] . We then formalised the know-how of the SME in referencing Web sites. Due to some delay in the experiment (mainly tag installation, data access), our data analysis task has been postponed to May 2012.


Participants : Guillaume Pilot, Yves Lechevallier, Bernard Senach, Brigitte Trousse.

  • Title: ECOFFICES

  • Type: Pacalabs

  • Challenge: Energy Challenge within Offices

  • Instrument: Pacalabs (Paca Region and FEDER fundings)

  • Duration: august 2010 - november 2011

  • Coordinator: Osmose

  • Others partners: CASA, CSTB

  • See also: http://www.ecoffices.com/

  • Abstract: ECOFFICES is an eco-challenge within an enterprise: offices are equipped with sensors and actuators. Actions of employees on actuators are registered and consumption behaviors are tracked. The experimentation consists in three successive stages: data are first recorded during the usual work of the challengers, then feed-back is provided through user interface and in the challenge phase, 3 teams are competing to reach the best economy level. After the challenge, data are registered to study the change of practices, if any. The goal of the project is to provoke behavioral changes and our team is in charge of the evaluation.

This year we have elaborateDSd the first experimentation protocol [59] for the original concept of eco-challenge within an enterprise. Due to some delay in the challenge (which ended september 30), the end of our contract has been delayed until novemberb-o 2011 in order to have enough time for data analysis [80] , [61] , [62] . We also co-organized three open days at CSTB and have an active dissemination activity [79] in two european conferences [27] , [68] and the World Usability Day [60] .

CPER Telius (2007 - 2013) and ICT Usage lab

This grant, funded by regional and European support, covers our experimental platform supporting usage data gathering and analysis of individual and collective usage of information systems. Such an experimental platform called Focus was renamed FocusLab (to avoid the ambiguity with a new Inria team) (cf. section  6.5.2 ). FocusLab is an experimental platform proposed for supporting collecting and analysing individual or collective usage data. Tis platform will be part of the infrastructure of the living lab ICT Usage Lab. This year ICT Usage lab was again member of EnOLL, the european network of living labs (composed of 274 living labs after 5th wave).